So yea, I am going to go all Foucault on y'all now. You see, knowledge does actually equal power. When you have a lot of information about the world, about others, you can potentially use it to control them. And so, I am sure that this opinion of mine is being monitored by the NSA or some shit,.because then it could be used to hurt the Huntress in the future. But this NSA shit isn't anything new. It's been going on for....oh, all of human society's existence I am sure. For our purposes, it starts with the Enlightenment. Those intellectual bad boys really inspired some smart bourgeoisie types in France, who used those ideas to stage a revolution. And then they had all the power. And it wasn't necessarily used for good. Robespierre, bless his heart, had some plans. And they made so.much.sense. Yet, it was a terrible plan when executed because people don't like to be told what to do by a guy in wig (true story). OK, so maybe not exactly, but his singular vision for France's future wasn't everyone's and the only way to make that fly was to make heads roll. Which is exactly what predecessors, like Louis XIV did. And what successors (in other environments), like Stalin did. Through intimidation and surveillance of others at all times, absolute knowledge is achieved. And sometimes having ALL the knowledge leads to bad decisions because it's still a hegemonic overlord. Sure, maybe yesterday you gleaned information that I bought a Girondist newspaper, but tomorrow, I might actually be swayed by my Jacobin neighbor to join your cause, only it's too late because you already cut off my head for being your opponent.
When you look at who Robespierre killed by the thousands, it was still the uninformed - the peasantry. But imagine if they were more in the know. Would their fates have been different? Could a madman abusing his power have continued? Probably not. And that's exactly what is going on in our own country right now. The elite, the 1%, the ruling class, the whatever you want to call them, their power is predicated on keeping you out of the know. By defunding public schooling, by painting teachers and intellectuals as the enemy, by pretending like there are only two political parties of any worth in this country. All of that is bullshit. And we're scared to speak up. But think about who is always targeted when a restrictive government comes to power -the teachers, the college professors, the intellectuals. Why? Because they're the only people asking why, that's why! Why! WHY?! The intellectuals see the writing on the wall well before others do. And they need to be silenced if those in power want to maintain their position. Chris Christie, though not transparent in reality, should be pretty fucking transparent to those paying attention to history and politics. His tricks are so old, even elderly whores are tired of them. Teachers are leeches, teachers are the enemy, the public sector is bad. Blah, blah. His kids are in private schools that cost thousands of dollars a year, which means he values education, but only one that sets his children apart as an elite and puts your kids down as the wage-slaves they will be for the rest of their lives - too scared to quit their shitty jobs because then where will they be in this culture of oppression and fear?
Take a hint from V and wake the fuck up. Don't vote for Hillary. Don't vote for cookie-cutter Repub 2016. Vote 3rd party. Campaign for Vermin Supreme. Let's change something. I need it if I am going to be able to continue to live in this country.
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